
As many would agree, we live in a time where it is quite common for people to feel as though they lack purpose and direction in their lives. Day by day, people seek ways to fulfill material (and otherwise) desires that are never fulfilled -- desires for power, money, happiness, companionship, knowledge and wisdom, etc. How often is it that one ever comes across someone who would honestly claim to be fully complete, filled with joy, and having complete clarity and direction in decision making? I feel that the reason for this is because there is much confusion about what truth is.

The purpose of this blog is to allow people to come to a place where thoughts and ideas about truth can be openly shared without persecution or restriction of any sort. Furthermore, it is a place where ideas should (and hopefully will be) shared only with good intentions- intentions to help others understand life better and to offer clarity concerning confusing topics. This is not a place to prove one's intelligence, put others down for a lack of intelligence or understanding, or to attempt to force one's views on others. With all hope, this blog will be a place where people are set free from despair and confusion, and where people can become unified in one truth.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Deadliest Weapon (Introduction)

Disclaimer:  This series of articles will probably be more applicable and relative to Christians than for skeptics thereof, but feel free to read them anyways.  

In the many years that I have been a Christian (though I am yet still young), and in the time that I have spent fighting for the one integral truth, I have hardly come to know anything more deadly than American Christianity.  What I mean by this, is that American culture has so deeply permeated our thoughts with extrabiblical (or even abiblical) opinions, tradtions, and private interpretations of scripture (see 1 Corinthians 1:10-17, regarding the divisions caused by private interpretations), that our views on God and His Word are horrifically distorted. We scarcely even look to God's owns Words to form our thoughts on Him.  Because of this, I would like to commit my time to addressing a few (if not many) of the ramifications related to this pressing issue through a series of articles which are to follow this introduction.

I hope that you find these articles to be helpful through thought provocation and through serious analysis of your faith and beliefs.  Please, please, please leave your thoughts, questions, comments and grammatical corrections.  I want to hear feedback from you all.


Hilary said...

At the risk of sounding impatient, where are the articles? I'm so bummed we won't get to see you when we're in Idaho, but ya know, gotta be doin' God's work and all. ;)

Kurtis Beckwith said...

Don't worry, Hilary. They are coming very soon. Probably by the end of today, if not tomorrow.

Trevor Barton said...

I'm excited for these bro! I did a little bit of writing about this very same thing a looooong time ago, I'm excited to see what you have to say. ;)