Recently, I felt as though my life had been drastically heading in a downward spiral. Though I chose to put myself in places where I would be most likely to grow (like working with people that have mental disabilities and ministry positions), I often times forget that places like that will have many challenges along the way. Specifically, lately, I have been so concerned with trying to resolve the ever-growing problems in my life and have been failing to even consider the needs of others (which, ironically, is the entire reason that I'm interning as a minister -- to serve).
I talked with my room mates about these things last night, as well as how my priorities have been horribly rearranged. It turns out that they had been going through some similar struggles. Since we concluded that none of these problems could be resolved on our own, we cast our cares upon God. Consequently, I believe God gave me an answer just moments after waking up the next day. I realized that I had been neglecting the two greatest commandments of all time. Even our Lord Jesus Christ, our own Creator, emphasized these commandments during his time on Earth.
A man asked Jesus:
36“Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?”
37 Jesus said to him, “ ‘You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.”
How could I neglect something so clear, simple, and obvious? I was failing to realize that the single most important thing in all of life is to love the Lord with every fiber in our beings (afterall, it's the very reason that we were created). The rest easily falls into place when you can realize this. If one loves God, one will naturally want what is best for His glory (namely, to offer all of the love, sacrifice, and glory that He created us to give) and will not care what is best for one's self. Since God is omni-benevolent (a word which hardly even scrapes the surface of God's infinite, unconditional love), He even continually and faithfully allows us to witness the peak of human existence and joy through Him, even when we aren't faithful to Him.
Strange, isn't it? The answer to finding full happiness and joy in life is actually to completely divert your attention from yourself and to love God and the rest of His created ones.
When I consider Satan, and what we can know about his nature, it makes sense that I was feeling down and rearranging my priorities in devastating ways. He would do anything to prevent ministry and worship to God from happening. He gets us into the habit of thinking that we have problems that need to be solved before anything else can happen. However, what God says about this, is that we should cast our cares on Him and that we should not be concerned about our needs. We ought to trust Him for these things and spend more time focusing on Him and reflecting His glory to the world. He will take care of the rest if we are faithful to keep these things in mind.
Wow. I've been doing a lot of the focusing on fixing my problems before I come to God business lately and these words are definitely what I needed to hear. Be encouraged that God used your words to speak to me and that you are not alone in this struggle.
Thanks for that. It was a much-needed reminder.
Bravo, buddy.
I know exactly how you feel. We can know with certainty that the closer we come to God, the more bombarded we will become with the temptations of this world. It's exactly what Satan was doing when he tried to stop the coming of the prophesied Messiah "that would crush his head", by killing Abel, by contaminating the entire human bloodline (he was eight away!), by abusing Israel for hundreds of years and ultimately tempting Jesus in the wilderness. He's trying to draw those that would serve the Creator of the Universe with their entire beings away from Him, or at least ruin their witness. Satan's tactics haven't changed at all. But we can rest assured that the closer we come to God, we will become better equipped to face these challenges and he will protect us. Jeremiah 19:11 says it all; "I have it all planned out- plans to care for you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for."
Let us abandon the relative thinking of the world and embrace absolute thinking; that God is at the center of everything in the entire universe. He's the source of everything that is good and green.
Well written Kurtis.
God used this to speak to me: "When I consider Satan, and what we can know about his nature, it makes sense that I was feeling down and rearranging my priorities in devastating ways. He would do anything to prevent ministry and worship to God from happening. He gets us into the habit of thinking that we have problems that need to be solved before anything else can happen. However, what God says about this, is that we should cast our cares on Him and that we should not be concerned about our needs. We ought to trust Him for these things and spend more time focusing on Him and reflecting His glory to the world. He will take care of the rest if we are faithful to keep these things in mind."
Especially, "He gets us into the habit of thinking that we have problems that need to be solved before anything else can happen."
That's been my life lately, but I hadn't quite put my finger on it until I read those words. Thank you so much for sharing what God taught you. It's exactly what I needed to hear.
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